Blog Archive

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Faith, Fitness, & Fun Blog

I don't really know how but I stumbled on a blog today called Faith, Fitness, &  Fun. I have to admit this girl really got me thinking.  Certain things in my life have snowballed around me, some good, some bad, and this blog has definitely opened my eyes about a few things.

The author, Christina, has issued a challenge to her readers to go through a 30 days of self love challenge where you embrace everything about you. I am loving this blog! One I have come across other blogs that focus on fitness, or faith, or having fun with your family but never have I come across one that combines all three.

Today she issued a challenge to embrace and love a part of your body, and thank your body for the gifts that it has given you.  So lets first start with my arms and shoulders. These allow me to wrap my arms around my beautiful kids and my hubby who I love


I have to say I absolutely love my gift of my laugh. I've been told I laugh just like several of my beloved aunts. It's loud and sometimes when I get going, people will turn around an look at me, but that's absolutely ok!

I have to agree with Christina about being thankful for my "womanly parts." Because they carried to term my two kids that drive me absolutely batty, but I couldn't imagine life without them.

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