Our memorial day weekend started out with a bang, literally. I ran in a 5k in a nearby town. I ran it in 31:50 minutes. It was a lot of fun!!
Then when the hubby got home we took the kids to the lake. We took the boat out & jumped off the boat into the water. Miss E was hesitant at first but she soon was coming into the water & having a blast. Mr L had so much fun as well.
Then we came home, cleaned up & went to go visit some friends. Had some dinner & now the kids are in bed & I'm having trouble keeping my eyes open.
Tomorrow my wonderful husband is fishing in a tournament. If they place they win $$. My hubby mentioned the last time they placed they prayed before the tournament so they needed to do it again this time. :) I will be too. That money would come in handy.
I plan on tomorrow relaxing while my hubby is fishing. Happy memorial day!! Pray for our soldiers & our veterans.
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The Hidden Work of God’s Unseen Hand
1 day ago