Yes I know it is only Tuesday but it has been a crazy long week. I had to work Sunday and then we had some friends of our kids over after I got off work. Then yesterday I found out that my aunt had to have emergency open heart surgery for a tear in her aorta. Crazy, right?!? She made it through surgery fine and will be in ICU for a few days before going to a regular room. Thank you Jesus for answering our prayers!!
With the Boston bombings, the explosion at West, Tx, and other things that have happened in our lives over the past few weeks, it's got me thinking.
I'm grateful for my husband who has been with me for going on 14 years now, married for nearly 10 of those years. He is awesome and a wonderful father and provider.
I'm grateful for my two healthy beautiful children. I love them more and more daily and they are the reason I do the things that I do. They are part of what keeps me going daily.
I'm grateful for all kinds of friends, both old and new. The kind that will hold you when you are crying, the kind you don't see everyday but when you get together it's like no time has passed, and those that have seen you at your worst and still love you.
I'm grateful for my work that allows me flexibility to be with my kids and be off when they are off (most of the time). I do love my job and the people that I work with.
I'm grateful for this body. I haven't always taken care of it, and there have been years where I down right abused it. But it is still carrying me through the daily ups and downs of this life. My heart keeps beating, my breath flows in and out, and my arms can hold the ones I love.
Take a moment and just think what you are grateful for...
The Hidden Work of God’s Unseen Hand
2 days ago
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