Tuesday, July 30, 2013

July Wrap-up

We've been busy with nothing. Yup that's right nada. :) the kids and I were at VBS one week and the next we hung around the house, went swimming, played games and enjoyed summer.

Last week I was officially back at work. Now it's crunch time. August is so crazy with getting stuff ready for back to school. Plus we plan to take a mini vacation soon and the summer is winding down :( 

Hope everyone is having a great summer!! Here's some pics to make you smile 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

What a fun week!!

We've been a little busy. We had vacation bible school at our church and I volunteered to help. **gulp*** I was placed with the Popcorns or the Kindergarten age kiddos. All I can say, any teachers that teach around that age, deserve Starbucks daily and diamonds. It was fun, but I napped every day cause the kiddos wore me out!!!

Friday damon and I had a date night. Chinese food and a movie, it was a lot of fun!! A much needed time with my hubby. Then yesterday Damon and Emma went fishing while Landon and I had a date at McDonald's and the Lone Ranger movie. 

Today the weather turned unseasonally cool in Tx and we had a little bit of rain. We did nothing but sit around, read, and watch movies. It was fabulous!! 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Fire Hall Tour

Our family went to the grand opening of a new fire station where my cousin is working. It was a great experience, and I'm so glad we went. The kids loved it! And I'm so proud of my cousin for what he's accomplished.