I'm a magazine junkie...I admit it. I subscribe to about 10 different magazines, everything from Cosmo, to Working Mother, Parenting, Self and Shape. I cover the whole range of women's magazines. Hey, if you stop smoking, you gotta pick up another habit. After quitting smoking several years ago, this is the habit I picked up, to bad it wasn't working out more, but that's a promise to myself in the coming year, and more about that later.
I was reading an article in one of my magazines, Momsense. It's a magazine put out by the Mother of Preschoolers group, and has to do with Christian Parenting. One article struck me more than anything today as I run around trying to get my house in order for guests this week. Not only are we having Christmas Eve at our home, my daughter's first birthday party on Sunday, and we have an annual party at our home on New Years Eve as well. The article was called Good Mom, Bad Mom, and it talks about how we as moms try to do everything perfectly for our kids, and on the days when it goes our way we feel great, we've done it all, we've been the great mom. But there are days when we wake up late, someone wets the bed, we have to change their sheets, the baby has a messy diaper two minutes before you are supposed to walk out the door, you lose your patience, and things fall apart from there.
It asks in the article if God knew what he was thinking when he made me a mom. Didn't he know some days would be a complete wreck and we'd lose our sanity for a small portion of time. The answer is yes!
God knew what we would go through and yet he still chose us to be mothers. He chooses the insecure women because He knows that through this great journey of raising kids, it provides us the best picture of his unconditional love. So that's what I'm going to focus on in the new year. The fact that God chose me to be a mother and wife and He will support me through it all.
(Momsense, January/February 2009)
The Hidden Work of God’s Unseen Hand
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