Hello everyone!! I know I haven't been keeping up the blog very good, but I am trying again to do some more.
We've been busy. Miss Emma is growing by leaps and bounds, and is looking more like a little girl instead of a baby each day. Landon is going to school and when you ask him what he learned at school that day he says "all the things I didn't know." :)
Today was Landon's Valentines' Day party at the pre-k and we were supposed to make a hat at home for him to take to school. Well, Eagle Scout Damon had to make it, because this chica is not crafty AT ALL!! Give me a computer and I can make some invites or I can whip up some food, but crafty stuff, nope can't do it. In fact if I need anything mended, I take it to my husband because he can sew better than I can. So Damon had to make a hat for Landon's party, and Landon wanted a cowboy hat. So we got red poster board and Damon made a red cowboy hat. It turned out really, really good!
Hey!!! I didn't know that you had a blog! I'm so glad! Now we need to convince Kelli to start her own. I'm sure the chances of that are slim since it took her so long to finally comment on my blog. She thinks she doesn't have much to say, but you and I... we know better :-)
Your kids are beautiful!
Hey Harmony!!! I've missed you, since we are not having evening Bible Study. Maybe we can have lunch some time. I love this post. Landon's hat is too cute and I love what he said in response to what he learns at school...kids are so funny!!!
Hope to hear from you, soon!
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