We spent this weekend going from 90 mph to about 5 mph on Sunday, and I didn't want to get out of bed this morning. Went over to Gatesville Friday after work to get groceries and didn't get home till about 7pm. Damon had John Deere Day on Saturday so we went out there for a couple of hours. Emma and Landon had fun riding on the Kiddie train and Emma enjoyed just staying outside and climbing on the lawn mowers. We came home and rested and then went to the tractor pull in Priddy. We took Landon and hung out with some friends. I figured out my son can sleep through ANYTHING! About 11pm we looked over at Landon who hadn't moved in his lawn chair in awhile and he was fast asleep. He had ear muffs on to protect his ears, but some of those trucks and tractors were pretty loud and he was out. We didn't make it home till about 1 am Sunday morning. Then on Sunday, Damon and I let the kids play in the house and we caught up on some of our tivo'd shows. So there wasn't really a whole lot going on in the Thompson household on Sunday.
Now it's back to 90 mph again. I have to go work out after work, Landon's got a t-ball game and pictures at 5:30, then go make cookies for Landon's easter party tomorrow, stuff easter eggs, and get both kids in bed by 8:30.
Plus my husband told me yesterday when we were discussing our upcoming anniversary in June, that it was my turn to plan an anniversary surprise since he did it last time. Two years ago when I was a couple of months along with Emma, Damon told me we were going to be gone for the weekend. He just told me to pack light and he arranged for a babysitter for Landon. He borrowed a friends Harley Davidson and we rode up to Granbury, rented a motel, and then we took a sunset cruise on the boat that cruises Granbury lake. Then on Sunday we drove home. It was absolutely the best because I didn't have to think of anything. Last year we had no money because....well we never have any money with two children...so we went to the Horny Toad for our anniversary dinner and got a surprise when Darryl Dodd was there playing. So it turned out great. So now it's my turn to plan something for our anniversary, and see my birthday is the day before. Yes, I did that on purpose, which means if Damon forgets one, he forgets both, and he's screwed. So now I'm trying to think of something relatively cheap to do, since we are going to the River with some friends a few weekends after my birthday/anniversary weekend.
The problem with Damon is he likes to fish & hunt & golf. Now I like to fish and golf, but not really on my anniversary. I've enlisted the help of two of his friends to try and help me think of something to do for him.
The Hidden Work of God’s Unseen Hand
2 days ago
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