My Top Things for this Tuesday
10. My honey is off tomorrow so before I go to work, we are going to have lunch to celebrate my grandmother's 81st bday and maybe a swim at the pool
9. Landon spent the night with some friends last night and is back at the house tonight, and let me say it was WAY TOO quiet with him gone.
8. I got in a work out this morning and hope to get back in my exercise groove..I just have to keep telling myself consistency.
7. My first full week of vacation and boy does it feel good. Did I mention I like the whole sleeping late option :)
6. I am almost finished with my comprehensive exam for my masters class. I passed all but one section and now for the next round I have to submit that one section again. If I pass it, I'm pretty much finished, all I have to do is keep my GPA up and I'll graduate with my masters. (Prayers, please!!)
5. My honey fixed my dryer so now I can dry clothes at the spur of the moment. Although I am going to still hang some out on the line.
4. Picnics in the floor with a tiny tea set and my Princess E
3. Did I mention I'm on VACATION!?!?
2. I'm thankful for air conditioning on these hot Texas days
1. Hanging out by the pool with a friend who I don't get to talk to that often for three hours today talking and laughing while I'm on vacation. :)
The Hidden Work of God’s Unseen Hand
1 day ago
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