Only three more weeks till Mr. L starts second grade and four more weeks till Miss E starts Pre-K. Where did the summer go???? It seems like only a few days ago they were getting out of school so excited to start the summer, sleeping in late, swimming, and having fun. Now we are working on buying school supplies and school clothes and trying to get back on some semblance of a schedule. If anyone has any tips for getting back on a schedule after the summer, I am all ears! LOL
This Monday has been "marvelous". I got up and went and jogged/ran 2 miles this morning. I don't like the fact I have gained 17 of the 17 pounds I lost two years ago. (No point in sugar coating it) If I look at the big picture I was probably 15 or 20 pounds heavier than I am now when we got married, and I was 50 pounds heavier when I gave birth to Mr. L. But between my masters classes, two kids, the house, and my own lazy self, I lost my will to work out. But now clothes that were loose are getting to be too tight and that is not good. So my resolve to look good and feel better has strengthened over the past few weeks. I went to the gym three times last week and hope to go 5 times this week.
Another "marvelous" thing on this Monday is that after I picked up the kids from the babysitter we came home, and I did a few chores and started dinner while Mr. L vacuumed and Miss E dusted. So now its almost 8 o'clock and the dishes are already going in the dishwasher, I've wasted a little time on the internet, wrote a blog post, and plan to get kiddos in bed by 9. Wow! I believe I'll start putting the little children to work daily so I'm not quite so stressed out during the week.
Hope you all have a "Marvelous Monday"!!
Follow the way, the truth & the life,
The Hidden Work of God’s Unseen Hand
2 days ago
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