My Daddy would have been 54 today...
He taught me how to enjoy sitting on the front porch during a rainstorm...
He taught me to love ALL kinds of music, and love the crackle and pop of records....
He taught me how to experiment with cooking and not be afraid to mess a dish up...or make it better..
I'm sorry to admit that I did not inherit his talent for growing a garden or even keeping a plant alive...
He could make an amazing buttersauce to go with shrimp or crab...
He had a funny laugh that made everyone else laugh with him..
He was a creative genius as a stone mason, and many people have admired his work...
He would be the first one to lend a helping hand to anyone, whether you were a prince or pauper...
Love you Daddy...Miss you...
The Hidden Work of God’s Unseen Hand
2 days ago
Thanks for sharing...
Happy Birthday Uncle Rusty! I miss his beans he always brought to family gatherings. Delish!
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