I know my Monday hasn't officially started, but hey, let's have some positive thinking to start the day off right.
I spent the weekend doing absolutely nothing but picking up my house (no deep cleaning), laundry, and spending time with the husband and the kiddos. Friday night I text my brother-in-law's girlfriend and told her I was in a funk and needed to get out of it. Well did I ever!! We went out to the country club and swam with the kids in the pool, had a drink, and talked and vented and I felt better going into the weekend.
This is the first weekend in a long time where we had NOTHING planned. It was absolutely marvelous!! We played go fish, watched movies, went to church and had a good time at home.
Now onto Monday...It starts another crazy, hectic, & grand week. My masters classes are starting again. It's Mr. L's second week of school. I'm determined to get more organized about my cleaning, school work, kids stuff, $$, and myself in order to help my life run more smoothly with less stress from me!! :) I'm also looking forward to Labor Day weekend. This is our annual small town festival with a parade, booths, games, a dance, and usual small town stuff. I'm looking forward to seeing friends this weekend, and having a three day weekend!!
Praying for a great week, and a Marvelous Monday to start it off!!
The Hidden Work of God’s Unseen Hand
1 day ago