I have to say I follow The Mommyologist and she is absolutely an inspiration and a breath of fresh air. She has started a Mom Sexy Revolution and her newest brain child is a blog-oversery and a celebration. It's a of celebration our imperfections and how we are still sexy even through all of that.
I am not the mom that looks pulled together all the time while dropping off kids or at a soccer game. I'm lucky some days if my hair is in a halfway decent ponytail, and lip gloss is applied. I might cast a glance at those moms that are and wish I could pull it together like that, But you know what, I'm still MOM SEXY.
I may have a little bit of pudge and some junk in the trunk, and bigger thighs than the next girl. But you know those bigger thighs get me from point a to point b during a run. My pudge is the result of two wonderful kids that I adore. That junk in the trunk has got me several compliments in my youth, and because of running and getting my booty to the gym early in the morning, my husband compliments me as well. And that's MOM SEXY.
I'm not the mom who is going to be perfect all the time. I lose my cool and then regret it if I yell at my kids, I try to make time for a date night for my husband at least once a month, but sometimes life get crazy,I eat carbs, and chocolate. But I also put my kids to bed every night unless I am out of town, I make time for my husband after the kids go to bed, and sometimes just going to the store with the hubby sans kids, is a real date for me. I try to keep the carbs and chocolate in moderation, but hey that doesn't always happen. And that's MOM SEXY!!
The Hidden Work of God’s Unseen Hand
2 days ago
I love this post!! I too, believe that our pudge, etc. is a sign of the beautiful kids we've had and the amazing things that our bodies can do.
And I have days where I'm not only sporting a ponytail, but I've run dry shampoo thru my hair because I didn't have time to shower...but I'm still Mom Sexy!
Thank you so much for helping me celebrate my blogoversary and making it special!!!
You sound like a real mom! And that is mom sexy!
I love your Mom Sexy post!! There are so many days when I do the ponytail thing and don't shower, but heck, that is Mom Sexy! And I love how devoted you are to your kids. Because I feel the same way, and that is Mom Sexy!!
I'm all about the almost ponytail, and the not being put together, and other moms who are.. they make me crazy with jealousy.. but I'm going to stop worrying about that, and be more Mom Sexy about it.
Love carbs and chocolate, does that make me mom sexy too?! Haha! Love this post and just how real it is...yes sadly a trip to the grocery store or Target with the hubs is a date and what's even better, that's okay with me!
My hair is always in a ponytail now cause my 4 month old pulls my hair out otherwise. Mom Sexy is a ponytail you know! :D
You are definitely my kind of momma! Great Mom Sexy post!
What an awesome post! I love the mom sexy idea. So many things make us special as moms and we need to praise each one. :)
Tina (www.faithfitnessfun.com)
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