Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thankful Thursday

On this Thursday I'm thankful for...

...laughter from my two kids playing together, even if it is video games

....a hubby that takes two kids to soccer practice so I can work on homework

....a second job that understands when I need to get someone to fill in for me at work because I have so much schoolwork to do

.....prayers answered for a little girl who was injured on Sunday in a ATV accident, she's getting to come home from the hospital and everything is going good. Thank you Lord!!

.....a somewhat messy home, because that means I am surrounded by those that I love

.....fall flowers everywhere! And this weekend I'm going to go buy me some to decorate my front porch.

....a job that sometimes stretches me, but I'm so grateful for it, especially when I can be up there with my kids

....getting dark earlier so the kids can't say "But it's still light outside!" when I put them to bed :)

....the good Lord for providing us with what we need, which may not always be what we want, but He knows what's best

Follow the way, the truth, the light


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