Does any other mothers out there feel like someone is scripting our life for a comedy sitcom and no one pays us anything extra????
Yesterday morning I thought I was doing good. I got up on time, folded some laundry, had coffee, fixed my hair and got dressed. I was up till 11:30 working on fixing snack baggies and gifts for teachers for the last day of school. I was getting ready when the babysitter called, and she was sick. Poor dear, she sounded awful, no big deal today. This is our last day before Christmas vacation so we have an early release and I work at the school, so I'll just bring them home with me.
Went to wake up my daughter and she had spilled some chocolate milk all over her bed...and I had just started a load of towels in the washer. Dragged her sheets into the bathroom to rinse the chocolate milk out before it set. Then got her dressed in her PJs because they could go in their PJs for school yesterday. She had got milk on her other ones. Then while trying to put my make-up on and she was brushing her teeth, I noticed she had chocolate milk on her new pajamas. What?!? She was carrying around a stuffed animal that apparently had been a victim of the great chocolate milk spill of December 21, 2012. Got her changed to another set of pajamas.
Then I remembered that it was show and tell at her school, and the theme was the letter J. CRUD!!! I'm digging through toys looking for something that starts with a letter J and I'm drawing a blank. Thank goodness for Google. I googled show and tell and the letter J, and the word jewelry came up. YES!! Put a necklace on her and said "That is jewelry, and starts with J."
My friends started a tradition years ago to help with a local charities food, toys, and clothing donations around Christmas. The community donates food, toys, and clothing and then volunteers take them to families in the community. I started doing it with them a few years ago. I love it, because it makes me appreciate all the blessings that God has given me and allows me to spend some time with my girls. The best part of helping others is it really helps you too put things in perspective.
I also had the pleasure to be witness to the donation of clothing, coats, blankets, etc that were collected by the students at our local school. They donated the items to a charity close to my heart, Niki Covers the Cold, which was started by my Aunt Sandi and Uncle Owen in memory of their dear daughter that was taken from us to soon. Please look into any local charities in your area that you could help with.
Many Blessings!!!
The Hidden Work of God’s Unseen Hand
2 days ago
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