I can't believe we are in the last few days of 2013. It's flown by in the blink of the eye.
Overall we have been blessed this year. We lost a few loved ones this year, the kids' babysitter and our dear friend, Belinda, and here recently a family that we know lost their 6 month old son. I know these lovely people are up in Heaven, and it comforts me that someday we will see them.
We have had a blessed year...
Miss Emma left Pre-K and joined us up at the "big school" as she called it, in Kindergarten.
Damon's brother Bryan has come back to Hamilton, and has been good for the family.
Landon has opened up and played in a community theater, and enjoys it. He also enjoys playing video games, basketball, and baseball.
Damon and I celebrated 10 years of marriage. Wow!
Friends have blessed us this year with laughs and memories.
I have seen a few blogs over the years that say to pick a word for the coming year. Last year my word was love and this year I want to change my word to "Savor."
I want to savor the blessings this year...
I want to savor the giggles of my kids watching a movie with popcorn and dim lights in our living room on blankets.
I want to savor a wonderful meal with my family.
I want to savor my kids' shining moments, either in a play, in practice, or wherever they may be.
I want to savor a glass of wine, candlelight, and a hot bath.
I want to savor date night with my husband.
I want to savor moments with my son before he becomes too "big" to hug his mom.
I want to savor little moments with my daughter before she thinks momma doesn't know "anything"
I want to savor quiet time in the mornings with a cup of tea and the Lord almighty speaking to me.
I want to savor each and every day, no matter if the day brings tears or laughter.
The Hidden Work of God’s Unseen Hand
1 day ago