Friday has just barely begun, and I hope its a good day.
1) It's supposed to warm up this weekend to 60+ degrees!! So excited about that.
2) Gonna treat the hubby and I to a special V-day surprise, will let you in on it later. But I'm so excited about it!!
3) Downloaded Brooke Burke's new book to my ipad, and I've been wanting it AWHILE, do NOT want to put it down to get ready for work.
4) I've been at a conference three days out of five this week, so I'm behind on my studying for class, and wouldn't you know, the prof expects us to make up all this work (when he hasn't been around) in a week. Uggg, I know what my weekend is going to look like, books & my computer.
5) Coffee & Cream this morning and getting kiddos chocolate donuts when they wake up. :)
6) hoping this warmer weather will break me out of exercise funk. It's been three weeks, ugg, first I had a back injury, then the Winter Blizzard of 2011 hit, then this week driving for two hours one way, two hours back three days of the week didn't leave much time to exercise. I'm crossing my fingers I can sneak away for an hour this weekend and go to the gym. I'm itching to get out and do SOMETHING!!
7) My UpperRoom Devotional today was on Isaiah 55:6-13. It spoke of how God's no, may actually be a blessing in disguise and how we need to have patience in Him as we wait on Him, and trusting in His wisdom. I really needed to hear that today as some things have not turned out like I have planned, and maybe that's a better way in the long run.
"Seek the Lord while he may be found, call on him while he is near...Let men turn to the Lord and he will have mercy on him." Isaiah 55:6-7
May everyone that hears a no from God remember that there is a bigger plan!!
The Hidden Work of God’s Unseen Hand
2 days ago
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