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Monday, February 28, 2011

God Said Whoa!!!

Ok as all mom's know, even when you are sick, you don't take time for yourself to truly rest and recuperate. I've been battling allergies/sinus infection for two weeks. after waking up this morning feeling like poo yet again, I had a feeling God was telling me WHOA!!

In the past month we've had a freak snowstorm that kept us out of school for a week, my master's class loaded us down with assignments, kids were sick, and then not working out like I should be, and add to it some stressful situations at work...well it all caught up with me.

So today - I called in sick to work, stayed in my chair and watched trashy reality tv and read some books. I did get a few loads of laundry done. But the majority of the day I rested and did no homework - just went to the doctor and got a big shot and came back home.

I have to learn, I can't stress and expect to be good to anyone. There are times I feel God whispering to slow down, and if I don't listen then he pretty much forces me too like today. I'm slowly learning the lesson and sometimes I listen more to the hints I'm going too fast, but then sometimes I don't. I'm trying to learn to

1) Take time to rest and listen to God's little nudges that I'm outrunning him and need to slow down
2) Exercise at least 3 or 4 times a week - it keeps me sane, keeps me healthy, and helps me sleep, why am I not doing it???
3) Take time away from my studies to be with my family or to stop cleaning, laundry, etc to spend time with the kiddos & the hubby
4) Take time each day to spend quiet time with just me and the Lord. I always feel so much better in the mornings when I do and it helps  put my day into perspective
5) Take at least 15 minutes a day to do something I want to do - I feel guilty not reading a schoolbook and reading something just for pleasure. But to give my brain a rest and read something that either lifts me up or takes me away like a good book can do

Hope to keep you up to date on how my journey to keep myself healthy goes...

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