We have had a crazy May with baseball, t-ball, Scouts, working, school, it's just been nuts!!
This weekend was great. On Friday we went to a nearby drive-in theater and watched Battleship. Although we had some issues with the sound it was fun, and Landon definitely loved it!!
Saturday we took the kids swimming at the pool and relaxed. It was so much fun playing with the kids, sitting by the pool, and soaking up the sun.
Saturday night we met some friends that were in town and went and saw a local band Six Market Blvd that has a growing fan base around Texas. They are AWESOME! Damon and I had fun listening to them and hanging out with some good friends.
Sunday was a pretty lazy day, and although Miss Emma started running fever, we spent the day cuddling in my chair and watching movies. It was a lazy day spent with family. Today we stayed home since Miss E was still not feeling 100%.
I was thinking today as I was cleaning, that things look a whole lot brighter once we spend a little time together. We have been going 10 different directions for so long, there hasn't been a whole lot of time to meet in the middle together. This weekend showed me that many times the issues that I think are so big, really aren't once, I spend a little time with the ones I love and the good Lord above. Hold your loved ones a little closer tonight before you go to bed, and bless them with your time. Because it makes all the difference.

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