Well we are like the grasshopper in the children's book, not like the ants that prepare for winter. With a huge, mean arctic cold snap headed our way Damon and I rushed out to his Mom's pasture about 15 minutes away to cut down some poor dead trees to heat our home during the next few days. I had a meeting about our Losing It challenge at the gym..more on that later, and I raced home while he picked up the kids. I changed out of my gym clothes, threw on some warm clothes and a sexy toboggan (spelling?) and raced out the door. the Mom in me thought just quick enough to grab my son's game and the portable dvd player for Miss E.
We got the firewood chopped and thrown into the bed of the truck, visited with the Mom in law, and then came back home. I made some cajun chicken with rosemary potatoes and corn, so now we are late on our bedtime schedule. Usually by this time the kids are at least in the bath fixing to get out and go to bed. Now I'm afraid I'll be up late getting stuff together for tomorrow. We've been batting Miss E trying to get her in bed. Mr. L is a dream, other than being upset that he couldn't watch a certain show, he went to bed like he was supposed to.
I'm sitting here watching Biggest Loser,and feeling so sorry for these poor people that are so sick. The one that pulled on my heart strings this season was the woman whose husband is leaving for Afganistan and she worried that she wouldn't be around for her kids. This show makes me cry. Why do I watch it? Oh yeah, to be inspired.
Speaking of inspired, the gym in our town is sponsoring a Losing It challenge. People that signed up were divided into two teams, red and blue and the trainers are in charge of us. I am on the Blue Team, because blue is AWESOME!! I've worked with the trainer that is in charge of us and I love her, but I may have to hurt her before its all said and done. Some of the things she asked us to do is get 8 hours of sleep, (ok yeah right, but I will try, promise) drink more water (I'll try that too), but the other thing is to limit alcohol and caffeine.The alcohol isn't so bad because I don't drink that often, but the caffeine?? Really?? I know I'm whining a little bit. So tomorrow, I'm gonna start weaning the coffee out and start drinking green tea. I'm going to try drinking one cup of coffee and then switch to green tea.
Tomorrow I'll try to keep up with the competition progress and also with my goals for this year.
The Hidden Work of God’s Unseen Hand
2 days ago
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