Blog Archive

Monday, October 10, 2011


This weekend I was blessed to go to a retreat with several wonderful ladies. After feeling the Holy Spirit in that place this weekend and being released of several things that were holding me back, I spent time with several other women from my hometown. As we sat sharing several things about our lives, our worries, just everything, inspiration hit me. Or should I say the Holy Spirit hit me. I've always wanted to be a writer, ever since I was young. I've written stories and poems for people I know but never really shared it with anyone. Last night I came back to my room and I had words rattling around my head. I grabbed a notebook and a pencil and wrote the following:


Lord, we confess we’ve hung on so tightly to things that are familiar
We’ve gripped tem to our chest like a child with a favorite toy
That they know will be taken away
But the things that we’ve hung onto can cause us so much pain, Lord.
We’ve hung onto our fear of an unknown we can’t name
We’ve clung to the unwillingness to allow a growing child to spread their wings
We’ve tightened our hear around a fear that your blessings could be snatched away
We confess that we harbor anger towards you for loved ones that you took home
Before we could fully understand why
But Lord we can let all that go…
For you know our days and nights and have a plan for each of us
You have given us a special gift of a child that we have to release to you
So they can blossom with your love
We need to let go and accept your blessings and know you have great things in store for us
We let go of our anger, because our loves ones are with you Lord
And although we can’t hold them now, we know you had planned their days long ago.
And we will dance and sing with them again one day, Lord.
We let go of all these things Lord, we release them from our hands and our hearts
Thank you God for loving us so much to send your son to die for our sins
Thank you God for giving us your guidance as we travel along this road as sisters, mothers, daughters, as

1 comment:

Maddox's Momma said...