I wake up and see that the sun hasn't yet broken the night completely
The moon and a star are gracefully singing their swan song in the sky
The lake is as smooth and serene as a picture hanging in a loving home
The birds call out to each other in a melody designed by God himself.
I sit by this beauty you have designed Lord and I am filled with wonder
That you designed this all with your loving hands for us to enjoy.
I read your words that you poured out to us and say my prayers
Asking for my Daddy to heal the hurts of those around me.
I sit in my Father's lap and pour out my troubles to him as He
Listens with a loving ear and a warm heart.
I end by singing a song that has pressed itself on my heart
About going down to the river to pray studying the good old way
Oh Lord how I wish I could wear the robe and crown, please
My Father, my Daddy, show me the ways to walk in your steps
To see those around me as you see them, as beloved children of you.
- just a small town girl on the go
Oh, I love this. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this. This encouraged me today. Thank you.
"I sit in my Father's lap and pour out my troubles to him as He
Listens with a loving ear and a warm heart."
What a beautiful picture of our Heavenly Father and His love for us... thank you for sharing!
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