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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Weekend Wrap Up

This weekend was so much fun.

Friday night we didn't have to do anything..nada...did I mention nothing?? So we came home after school, made dinner, and spent some time at the house. I was in my pajamas at 8pm and I was so loving it. It was character dress up day at school and Mr Lwent as a Navy Seal. Here we are at the Pep Rally at school.

Saturday we woke up and took the boat to the mechanic. We stopped at a park and had a picnic. Went and saw Puss in Boots at the movie theater. Which I would recommend getting their early enough where your not wondering around a dark theater. We almost set in someone's lap. Whoops!! It was a really cute movie and we really enjoyed it.  Here is a picture of Mr. L and Miss E playing at the park.

We then drove to a nearby town where they have a business that has giant blow up slides, obstacle courses and  giant blow up trampoline. The kids had an absolute blast!! As did someone else I know...

 Yes, Damon had a blast as well. We had a great day spent with the family. 

Then today we all went to a church as a family.  We were joined by my bro-in-law, sis-in-law, her daughter, and grandson. It was so nice to have everyone there. We also had a special treat, a wonderful woman who recently moved to our town played the harp during the service. I've never heard a harp in real life, and it was absolutely beautiful. The message was wonderful and then we had a fellowship dinner afterward. All in all I had a wonderful weekend. 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Today on a Thursday I'm thankful for...

This cold, rainy weather that makes potato soup and grilled cheese sooo good.

The good word of the Lord that knows exactly what I need to get me through the day.

A new Shape magazine in the mailbox...that's always a nice surprise

My hubby who is very resourceful and was able to make dog tags for Mr. L's Halloween costume and buy a pair of camo pants for three dollars. He's pretty handy to have around.

A mentor and friend that I can go to and tell her about anything going on in my life and she can give me good, solid advice.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

For Granted

For Granted

I cry out for someone to save me
This world has beat me down again with
Its negativity, hatred, apathy, and sorrow
But I come to the realization as I wipe away my tears
That I have taken my blessings for granted
This body you game me Lord
I’ve mistreated by lack of sleep by being too busy to
Take care of this gift of life.
I’ve taken the blessing of my husband for granted by
Not giving my time and love to him.
I’ve taken the blessing of my children for granted by
Not enjoying these special years while they are young.
Lord, I confess my apathy and selfishness has blocked
My sight to see the blessings you have graciously given to me.
Lord forgive me for this, and help to walk each day
Renewed by your love and peace
Give me your sight to see the people around me hurting
So I can wrap my arms around them
Let my eyes see the blessings that You have poured out on me.
Lord, I ask for your love to be shown to others through me. 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Saturday fun

This morning was soo much fun!!

Mr L's team scored their first two goals of the soccer season!!! It was so much fun & so exciting. The kids were ecstatic!! It was a blessing to be there.

Today we have a full day. Mr L will be going to a nursing home with scouts today to help build crafts & decorations. Then hubby & I are going to a wedding of a friend's daughter. I can't wait to see friends this evening & have fun!!!

Tomorrow is church, a shower for my cousin, and a book study with a women's group. Oh and hope the Dallas cowboys win some football!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, October 21, 2011

A slower, small town pace...

It’s been a busy…busy…busy week…

I was reminded this week that my family and I need to SLOOOOWWW things down. With school for the kids, my masters program for me, sports, boy scouts, cleaning, cooking, and the ever list of things to do, I believe we are BURNED OUT!!!

So this momma has taken matters into her own hands. Well, I wouldn’t necessarily say that, how about I’m putting some things into someone’s hands that can actually do something with them. I’m giving it over to God and we shall see what he can do with our schedule.

The last two nights we’ve had little to do. We went and ate with my family for my mom’s birthday and played board games. Then last night the kids helped out around the house while my hubby did “honey do’s” and then the kids played outside while I finished dinner. It was amazing to have everything done by 8pm and be sitting down in my chair. I was almost speechless.

I downloaded a book and I’m reading it for ways to slow my family down where we aren’t quiet so fast paced. It’s called Not So Fast by Ann Kroeker and has some wonderful ideas in it that I would recommend to any family. One thing she points out is that are lives are not defined by our “to-do lists.” Our lives are not the sum of anything that we can accomplish in a given amount of time. One thing that is pointed out in the book is that we tend to put more on our plate that we think we can do. I know I tend to do it!! So they mentioned to imagine your day as a beautiful plate, and divide it into three sections that you want. Three things that will help the day go more smoothly and get things together for your family. 

I hope to let people know about the progress of this little experiment. I’m hoping it will help our family come closer together as well as bring us closer to God. 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sitting with my Father

I wake up and see that the sun hasn't yet broken the night completely
The moon and a star are gracefully singing their swan song in the sky
The lake is as smooth and serene as a picture hanging in a loving home
The birds call out to each other in a melody designed by God himself.
I sit by this beauty you have designed Lord and I am filled with wonder
That you designed this all with your loving hands for us to enjoy.
I read your words that you poured out to us and say my prayers
Asking for my Daddy to heal the hurts of those around me.
I sit in my Father's lap and pour out my troubles to him as He
Listens with a loving ear and a warm heart.
I end by singing a song that has pressed itself on my heart
About going down to the river to pray studying the good old way
Oh Lord how I wish I could wear the robe and crown, please
My Father, my Daddy, show me the ways to walk in your steps
To see those around me as you see them, as beloved children of you.

- just a small town girl on the go

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Sick kiddo at home playing on iPad

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Terrific Tuesday

Today has been a terrific Tuesday. I got several things done at work, and received a gift certificate to a local restaurant from a co-worker as a thank you that will allow me not to cook tonight after a soccer game. ;)

I got a power nap at lunch and I have so much more energy this afternoon.

We received nearly 5 inches of rain this weekend that was much needed in our drought-ridden area. The Lord is SO GOOD!! Also fall has popped it's head up here, so it's been cooler in the mornings and I love it. Mr. L's soccer team played a good, exciting game and then we went out and have Italian for dinner. Yummy!!

It's been a good Tuesday!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, October 10, 2011


This weekend I was blessed to go to a retreat with several wonderful ladies. After feeling the Holy Spirit in that place this weekend and being released of several things that were holding me back, I spent time with several other women from my hometown. As we sat sharing several things about our lives, our worries, just everything, inspiration hit me. Or should I say the Holy Spirit hit me. I've always wanted to be a writer, ever since I was young. I've written stories and poems for people I know but never really shared it with anyone. Last night I came back to my room and I had words rattling around my head. I grabbed a notebook and a pencil and wrote the following:


Lord, we confess we’ve hung on so tightly to things that are familiar
We’ve gripped tem to our chest like a child with a favorite toy
That they know will be taken away
But the things that we’ve hung onto can cause us so much pain, Lord.
We’ve hung onto our fear of an unknown we can’t name
We’ve clung to the unwillingness to allow a growing child to spread their wings
We’ve tightened our hear around a fear that your blessings could be snatched away
We confess that we harbor anger towards you for loved ones that you took home
Before we could fully understand why
But Lord we can let all that go…
For you know our days and nights and have a plan for each of us
You have given us a special gift of a child that we have to release to you
So they can blossom with your love
We need to let go and accept your blessings and know you have great things in store for us
We let go of our anger, because our loves ones are with you Lord
And although we can’t hold them now, we know you had planned their days long ago.
And we will dance and sing with them again one day, Lord.
We let go of all these things Lord, we release them from our hands and our hearts
Thank you God for loving us so much to send your son to die for our sins
Thank you God for giving us your guidance as we travel along this road as sisters, mothers, daughters, as

Sunday, October 2, 2011

On the Kitchen Floor

My sweet, lovely daughter woke up at 7am this morning. Ick!!! Although I should be grateful for small blessings because yesterday she was up at 5:30 am. The one problem, ok there are many issues with my child waking up so early on the weekend, but we'll bypass those, is that I usually like to have time to myself in the mornings.

Just me & the Lord, that's what I need to keep my head screwed on straight. So since Miss Priss derailed that plan I hid in the kitchen, on the floor to have my devotional time. After reading my devotionals I picked up a book "What Women Fear" by Angie Smith. The (in)courage will be having a book club online about the book.

I have to say I received it on Friday and I am already half way through it. It is a wonderful book that helps women with their fears and faith in God. One thing that struck me during the book was the story of Hagar is banished by Abraham. The scripture Genesis 21:19 states that "then God opened her eyes & she saw the well of water." the author, Angie Smith points out that Hagar's circumstances didn't change, but her awareness did. That means that sometimes we get so blinded by the worst possible scenario, we don't see the blessings that are right in front of us.

What a revelation!!! I had to look it up in my own bible just to be sure. What if I change my awareness to include all the blessings that God has placed before me, and not be blinded by the what-ifs, and the worst cases. That's what I'm going to strive for.

- just a small town girl on the go